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Childcare Education Classes 

This class is designed to help new moms and dads prepare and care for their baby.

This free two class series is designed specifically to prepare you and your partner/support person for the childbirth experience. You will learn everything you need to know before, during, and after you give birth to your precious baby at Phelps Memorial. Topics include the basics of pregnancy through labor and delivery, as well as postpartum, medical interventions, such as epidurals, and C-Sections, various techniques of relaxation. Everything needed to prepare for baby will also be covered in this class including diapering, bathing, feeding techniques, skin care, jaundice, infant attachment and bonding, sleep, calming techniques, keeping your baby safe, and how to help understand your baby's needs.

Two childbirth classes will be held from 7:00pm-8:30pm with a set of resources for parents to utilize. The ideal time to attend this course is near the end of your second trimester or beginning of your third trimester.  

Registration is required.

Classes are two – day classes: Classes dates:

Thurs., Sept. 19 and Oct. 10, 2024

Thurs., Jan. 16 and Feb. 6, 2025

Thurs., April 17 and May 8, 2025

Thurs., July 17 and Aug. 7, 2025

Thurs., Oct. 16 and Nov. 6, 2025


Register for Classes Online
