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Phelps Memorial Health Center, Holdrege, was recently named one of the Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals in the United States by The Chartis Center for Rural Health. 

 Compiled by The Chartis Center for Rural Health, this annual recognition program honors outstanding performance among the nation’s rural hospitals based on the results of the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance INDEX™. 

Mark Harrel, Chief Executive Officer, said "This achievement validates that our team members are dedicated to delivering the best outcomes for our patients while maintaining an efficient and effective facility.” 

“As a trusted healthcare provider, we are proud to be acknowledged among the nation's best rural hospitals, and we remain committed to delivering high-quality, patient-centered care while continuously enhancing healthcare access and services for those we serve," he said.

 “The Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals award program elevates the very best performers and helps create a roadmap for those seeking to improve financial and operational performance while continuing to care for the communities they serve,” said Michael Topchik, Executive Director, The Chartis Center for Rural Health. “This is our 15th year recognizing the Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals and we’re thrilled to be able to celebrate this milestone with this year’s winners.”

The INDEX is the industry’s most comprehensive and objective assessment of rural hospital performance. Leveraging publicly available data, the INDEX is utilized nationwide by rural hospitals, health systems with rural affiliates, hospital associations, and state offices of rural health to measure and monitor performance across a variety of areas impacting hospital operations and finance.